Everyone of us gets hungry, we all need food to live.
God has designed our bodies that way, to eat food that not only nourishes us, but that we enjoy as well. So why do we struggle to reach our health goals? Why are we unhappy as we try?
Should we go to our favorite fast food restaurant or should we get a healthy salad? Should we have that chocolate brownie or that piece of fruit?
And the noise goes on and on and on.
“Food Noise”
Yes, Food noise is a daily part of our world. This food noise not only occupies much of our daily thinking, but it can get in the way of us living our days with purpose and passion. It can bog us down and cause us to feel tired and exhausted and sometimes hopeless. How do we eliminate this Food noise so we can live? Is the answer to our struggle all about the food? One more restrictive diet plan? another exercise program?
Or, could the answer be more about WHO WE ARE BEING around the food? In her talks as a Health and Life coach, Heather guides you to uncover these answers using a holistic approach, to help you realize that you can actually love food, AND love your life.
About Heather
Heather is a Professional Speaker, Certified Health and Life Coach with over 25 years of experience working in health care as a Nurse Practitioner. Heather spends her time helping others have a better relationship with food by not only looking at the physical aspect, but the emotional, and spiritual as well.
Her holistic approach has helped many women break free of Food Noise and experience true transformation so they can be empowered to live out their God given assignment with more joy and more peace in their days. Heather has discovered that having a healthy relationship with food is more about who you are being around the food , than the actual food itself. This wisdom and knowledge can lead the way to freedom from restrictive diets and unhealthy thought patterns around food. She now has a passion to inspire others to take this powerful holistic health journey and enjoy forever transformation. When Heather is not traveling and speaking, you can find her enjoying her organic gardens and greenhouse.
As well as relaxing with her chickens and gathering organic eggs. Heather looks forward to connecting with you and being part of your next event so that together we can “Fly above the Food”

Heather's Signature Talk
Flying above the Food
Are you a woman of faith that feels enslaved to food? Constantly thinking about what to eat ,or what not to eat? Eating to escape or find comfort? Feeling exhausted, struggling to find hope that things could ever be different?
At this one hour session, you will learn a faith based ,holistic approach to not only find physical freedom, but emotional, and spiritual freedom as well. You will find the transforming power that will free you from restrictive diets and unhealthy thought patterns surrounding food. This can lead you to experience true fulfillment at a core level, bringing more peace and more joy to your days.
Join this empowering session and re-ignite Hope to “Fly above the Food”

Heather's Testimonials