My Story
Forever Transformed
Hi! My name is Heather! I'm a certified Health and Life coach. I'm so excited to share with you what I've learned, and currently still learning about health and comprehensive well being. I have been a Health-Care Practitioner as an RN, and then on to Nurse Practitioner for over 25 years! As I was treating various kinds of illness and chronic disease, I began to realize there is so much more to the human body that needed attention! If we could give attention to all aspects of our body, then I believe we could achieve optimal health and a stronger immune system, capable of fighting so much more. This would allow us to not only reduce or eliminate many diseases, but to feel amazing and live the rest of our days with passion and purpose.
We can not only look at our physical body and what it needs to be well, but also our emotions and our spirit. How exciting to see someone who is nourished in all areas. They begin to not only feel better physically, with more energy, less pain, better sleeping and obtaining optimal weight, but also to live with joy, peace, and a hope for the future. God has created each one of us with a unique and special purpose. Over time, for various reasons, we may have lost sight of this purpose, or maybe haven't discovered it.
It is my earnest desire to help you find this Gold. If you would take this journey with me, we could unlock this hidden treasure and you will be forever transformed.
Heather Lines-Degelman RN, APNC,
Certified Health and Life Coach